6 Risk Factors to know about Tendinopathy

Tendino[pathy is a vast subject for study- we are not aware about so many things in the aspects of multifactorial etymology. The risk factors are different from the extrinsic factors. And, so are the ones acting from the outside of the body and the inside of the body.

6 Risk Factors to know about TendinopathyTendino[pathy is a vast subject for study- we are not aware about so many things in the aspects of multifactorial etymology. The risk factors are different from the extrinsic factors. And, so are the ones acting from the outside of the body and the inside of the body.

Load: Stretch-shorten cycle loads

Repetitive stretch shortening cycles in the muscle tendons like walking and running. The tendons can only bear a certain amount of load while you perform stretching exercises. Therefore, if you overdo the stretching and increase the load on the tendons, they get overloaded. Therefore, they can be overloaded leading to the damaging of tendons.


Compression alone does not help in the treatment of tendinopathy. It should be combined with tensile loads to make sure that each brings its own effects. It is more unhealthy and damaging for the tensile loads alone.

Change in load

Never make any sudden changes in the load on the tendons. The change can be gradual but only when one load is comfortable for your tendons.

Load Parameters

Having higher duration on loads, intensity and frequency of the loads exhibits pain in the tendons. This is however, not the only reason for the pain, it can be a contributing factor for the unhealthy tendons.

Biochemical an Neuromuscular Factors

It involves biomechanics of the individual like foot posture, neuromuscular capacity,and flexibility of the tendons. Make sure to have the movements limited and after the consultation with your physiotherapist to ensure the right movement. Try to avoid overexertion on the tendons. The movements are to be kept strict and should be gradually increased to ensure that the tendons can go through the exercise.

Are you looking for the right physiotherapy for your tendinopathy? Contact the expert and reliable professionals at Greenlane Physio today. They have the most experienced physiotherapist to help you with your pain.

